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A drafty window lets in outside air, which can go far feel cold well-nigh the window. The loss of heat and the cold air getting in through a draft can too wreak havoc on your heating bills! You can use a quick gear up if yous demand to set a drafty window in a bustle, comprehend the window with plastic to seal out the typhoon, or try a more permanent fix such as caulking the window. Fixing a drafty window is an easy project no matter what pick you choose.

  1. 1

    Insulate the window with a strip of rope caulk. Rope caulk is a flexible putty-like caulk that yous tin printing and mold into the edges of a window to seal drafts. Purchase rope caulk at a hardware store and press it into the edges of the window to seal it.[1]

    • You can also try using V-seal atmospheric condition stripping to seal the edges of the window. This is a special type of weather stripping that you tin press into the edges of the window to seal up a draft.
  2. 2

    Fill in a crack in a window with clear nail polish. If a scissure in the window is causing the draft, then you will need to supplant the window to fix the draft. However, a temporary way to fix the draft is to paint over the crack with articulate nail polish. Allow the boom smoothen to dry out completely and add another glaze if needed.[ii]

    • You may need to paint on 2 to 3 coats to ensure that the crevice is fully covered.
    • Proceed in listen that you lot will however need to replace the window eventually. The nail polish will only hold for 1 to two months at nigh.


  3. 3

    Place a weighted sock forth the bottom border of the window. You lot can purchase or make a weighted sock for blocking gaps in doors and windows. Identify the sock along the bottom edge of the window or where the top and bottom pane run across to seal in more air and prevent drafts.[3]

    • Cheque online or in a department store to purchase a window or door sock.
    • Although a window sock won't actually ready a drafty window permanently, this is the quickest and easiest way to stop a draft.

    Tip: If you want to make your own window sock, get an old articulatio genus-length sock and fill information technology with rice or sand. Then, tie or stitch the opening closed to proceed the contents inside of the sock, and it'due south set to use!

  4. four

    Put upwards thick curtains to cover the drafty window. Heavy curtains or specially made insulating defunction volition also help to quickly reduce the effects of a draft. The curtains will not fix the problem, simply this is a good selection if you need to finish the draft in a bustle.[4]

    • Light and dissonance blocking curtains are commonly thick enough to provide some draft protection.
    • You tin likewise layer 2 curtains over the window or utilize fabric blinds, such every bit roman blinds.
  5. five

    Buy and install interior tempest windows. If you lot already have a tempest window, then cover your interior windows with it to proceed out drafts. If not, mensurate your window and purchase a storm window to fit it. And then, place the tempest window over your regular window to easily seal out the draft.[5]

    • Storm windows can be an expensive fix for drafty windows, simply you can apply them again and over again.
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  1. one

    Buy a plastic shrink wrap window kit. You can buy a window insulation kit from a hardware store. These kits have everything you need to cover a drafty window. You lot can buy kits with extra materials for covering multiple windows.[half dozen]

    • The kit should include double-sided tape and plastic for covering your windows. You can buy these items separately if you lot prefer.
  2. 2

    Apply 1 strip of double-sided tape forth the edges of the window. Offset by pressing the end of the tape into the edge of the window just exterior of the glass. Manipulate the record and go on pressing it until y'all take covered i side of the window. And then, cut the tape when you get to the end of the border.[vii]

    • Echo to cover the other side and the summit and bottom edges of the window.
    • Make sure that the surface is clean.[8]
    • It will help the adhesive to stick properly.[9]
  3. 3

    Remove the roofing on the double-sided tape later on 10 to xv minutes. Letting the record sit for 10 to 15 minutes will allow it to get tacky and amend its bond with the window. After time is up, peel off the comprehend on the tape strips surrounding the window.[10]

    • Discard the covering y'all remove from the tape strips.
  4. 4

    Press the plastic wrap onto the double-sided tape. Take ane of the plastic pieces included with your kit and line upwards the corner with the corner of the window where you applied the tape. Then, press the plastic onto the double-sided tape. Slide your hands down the border of the window over the plastic to secure information technology to the tape.[11]

    • Echo this for the top edge of the plastic. Then, pull the plastic taut and secure the other side and bottom edge of the plastic past pressing down on it.

    Tip: For an extra layer of insulation, apply a layer over bubble wrap over the window first, so apply the plastic over that. This will create a frosted glass effect and prevent you from existence able to see through the windows, simply it volition provide more insulation and potentially save you even more than on heating bills.

  5. 5

    Use a pilus dryer to tighten the plastic. Once the plastic is secured on the window with the double-sided record, plug in a hair dryer and plough it on. Hover the dryer's nozzle over the plastic anywhere that information technology looks loose. This volition help to shrink the plastic and create a tight fit with the window.[12]

    • Make sure to keep moving the pilus dryer around over the plastic. Avoid holding in one spot for more than 5 seconds as this may brand a pigsty in the plastic.
  6. 6

    Trim the excess plastic to the size of your windows. Afterward y'all have tightened up the plastic with the hair dryer, use a scissors to cut off the excess plastic forth the edges of the window. Be careful not to cut inside of where yous applied the double-sided tape or you may suspension the seal.[13]

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  1. 1

    Hold a candle up to the window to find the source of the draft. Light a candle and concur information technology upwards next to the window. Movement it around the edges of the window and picket the candle to see if information technology flickers. If you lot notice the candle moving like it is existence diddled in the current of air, and then this is probably a drafty function of the window. Mark it with a piece of chalk or record.[14]

    • If you are not sure where the air is coming in from and y'all but desire to seal upwardly the drafty portion of a window, check to find the draft first.

    Warning: Be cautious with the flame around curtains or blinds. You may want to remove them before you do this to foreclose the possibility of starting a burn.

  2. two

    Remove the old caulk and peeling pigment from the window's edges. Use a paint scraper to accept all of the old caulk off of the edges of the window. Press the scraper against the edge of the window, and and then move it up to loosen the caulk.[15]

    • If in that location is any peeling paint, fleck this off as well since it will interfere with re-caulking the window.
  3. 3

    Wash the edges of the window with a scrub brush and soapy water. Fill a small bucket with soapy h2o and dip a scrub brush into it. And so use the scrub brush to wash along the edges of the window. Replace the soapy water with plainly water and employ the brush to rinse the soap abroad. Then, pat the window dry with a clean dry towel or newspaper towels.[sixteen]

    • Washing the window's edges first will aid to ensure that you get a tight seal with the new layer of caulk.
  4. 4

    Seal the edges with a new layer of caulk. Depress the plunger on the caulk tube to push it out as you run the tip of the caulk gun down the border of the window. Go on to do this until you lot take completely covered 1 edge of the window. And so, echo for the other iii sides of the window. Allow the caulk to dry overnight, or for at least 8 hours to ensure that information technology is set.[17]

    • Make certain to follow the manufacturer'southward instructions for how to utilize the caulk properly.
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    What kind of windows will prevent cold drafts?

    Kevin Turner

    Kevin Turner is a handyman and the owner of Cherry-red Gator Maintenance, a handyman business based in Fresno, California. Working on handyman-related projects since the age of 12, Kevin specializes in a wide variety of domicile improvement projects such every bit (merely not limited to) lighting/electrical, plumbing, deck staining, drywall repairs, cabinet installation, ac, trash removal, and window, roof, and appliance repairs.

    Kevin Turner

    Commercial Handyman

    Expert Respond

    Dual-pane windows are going to be your all-time bet. They're more energy-efficient, and they have a gap inside the two panes that acts equally a barrier confronting cold air.

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  • You might need to replace the window if it is beyond repair, such every bit if there is a crack in the drinking glass or if the window pane is loose.[eighteen]


Things You lot'll Need

  • Rope caulk or weather condition stripping
  • Clear nail polish
  • Window sock
  • Thick defunction
  • Interior tempest windows
  • Double-sided tape
  • Plastic window roofing
  • Hair dryer
  • Scissors
  • Candle and lighter
  • Paint scraper
  • Bucket
  • Lather
  • Water
  • Scrub castor
  • Clean towel or paper towels
  • Pigment scraper
  • Caulk


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