Every bit the title suggests, this article is bachelor with the LEXIA PP2000 Diagbox installation OS requirements.

i. Diagbox windows ten
18-carat versions of the latest diagbox work on windows 10. Currently the latest Diagbox version is ix.21.
I take Diagbox 7.49 and it works perfectly. DiagBox versions 7.xx and viii.xx (including Lexia and PP2000 components) work on Windows 10 32bit, if the installation procedure is followed, inspite of the warning from PSA.
However, they (7.twenty & viii.xx) volition install on Windows 64bit, but Lexia and PP2000 components will NOT work on 64bit Windows..

Diagbox windows ten 64bit non work?
Diagbox under 64 bit windows will Non work the inside lexia and pps…….. They are very erstwhile and the 'code' from them not support 64 bit windows……..
So in your question for full support install under 32 bit windows or if you lot not care for the lexia and pps then ok install nether 64 fleck………..
Me personal i take the cracked 07.57 and 08.35 under Windows 7 32bit and the online POI (aka Eu edition) latest 09.45 under windows 7 64 flake……..

Diagbox seven.57 Nether Win10 ver1809 32 bit : NO Problem.
Merely endeavour installing and running v7.57 (7.01 pre-patched, 7.01 to 7.57 update) Under Windows 1903 (18362.175) :

vii.01: install: Ok, running: Ok

7.57: update setup is "near" Ok :

At the end, a dos "boot loop" appears, a background service ask a firewall rule, i hold of course.
The bootloop go on. I decided to shut down and restart.

Afterwards the reboot, try to launch: OK no prob, need to be tested on a car (as before long as i can).

AFTER Test: NO prob, All is OK

Diagbox windows XP: not possible
One of the single most bug I see with running Diagbox on an older XP laptop is the slowdown/lag of Diagbox. You will very likely observe this atttributed to Windows Update. Whenever the service is running (usually a while after startup) it tin very easily make Diagbox crawl to a halt. For well-nigh people who utilize an older dedicated laptop just for Diagbox – and don't ataxia it up with other junk, disabling Windows Update tin improve speed by 200-500% or more. As Windows XP is no longer supported, there are no more updates beingness supplied – so this should not exist an issue for most.
You tin can disable information technology here in XP:
Showtime>Run>Services.msc>Automaticupdates> Double-Click and click dropdown box, select "Disabled" then click "Stop", and then click Ok.
As well, to speed upward boot-time, Kickoff>Command Panel>System>Automated Updates(tab)>"Turn off Automated Updates"

2. Lexia and PP2000: win7 32bit yes 64bit needs VM
Lexia and PP2000 is a 16 scrap application and won't run on a 64 fleck OS unless running under a 32 scrap OS installed on a Virtual Auto.
The outcome is that Diagbox is the main awarding for cars postal service 2006 (ish). Information technology is also the front end for the Lexia and Peugeot Planet software diagnostic applications used for olders PSA cars Pre 2006 (ish) depending on model. The Lexia and PP software are sixteen chip applications. 16 bit application software doesn't run under a 64 scrap operating system. The only fashion to get this to piece of work on a 64 bit operating system, is though a VM (Virtual Machine) running a 32 bit operating system . This will require a VM-supported version of the 64 Scrap OS, plenty of extra memory to run the VM, a licensed copy of a 32 Fleck Operating Arrangement to run nether the VM etc.
If this sounds similar a no no for you, then simply install a 32 fleck version of Windows vii. The license keys for both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows 7 are interchangeable, and then if you have the licence key for the 64 scrap version of Windows seven (which it would seem you have from your postal service), the cardinal will work on the 32 fleck version, as long equally it is the same version (Home, Professional person, Ultimate, Enterprise etc.). The Windows ISO installaion files are freely and legitimately downloadable if yous don't have the installation media for the 32 scrap OS.
All you need to worry about is making sure you accept the 32 bit software drivers for the hardware on your Laptop already downloaded or stored on a wink drive for use later.

There are a couple of things to consider first and to understand:
1. Windows XP is of course free to download – yet you will still need to purchase a valid licence to actuate it – otherwise it will stop working within the thirty day period. I dubiousness that valid legal licences are now beingness sold equally the operating organisation has long been de-supported.
2. I would instead suggest Windows 7. Again, you will need a valid licence to activate it – regardless of whether using every bit a stand alone Operating Arrangement or as an Os under a Virtual Automobile surroundings under Windows 10 or similar.
3. Remember likewise, that if yous require LEXIA specifically (for pre 2006 cars), as opposed to Diagbox, you will not be able to run it under any Windows x 64 Bit Operating Organization. The Lexia – specific application (and I doubtable Peugeot Planet 2000 as well) is written using 16bit code and no 16 bit coded applications are supported nether a 64 Flake version of Windows x.
4. If y'all only demand Diagbox to work and then this will not be a problem.
5. Think that a VM volition need adequate physical hardware and resources such equally memory to run – in addition to the host operating system. Laptops are not ideal for this equally they do not generally have the resources needed. I suspect yous will non be much ameliorate off than an older laptop with XP installed that has been upgraded with a flake of extra retentivity.


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