
iPhone 7 Rumored To Pack A Bigger Battery Than Its Predecessor – Apple Finally Doing The Right Thing

Turns out the Apple isn't going to be making its upcoming iPhone seven the lackluster smartphone we all thought it was going to be, although some critics are still not expecting the device to deliver. The latest rumor suggests that the upcoming smartphone has been rumored to pack a larger battery capacity than an iPhone 6s, simply by how much?

iPhone seven Has A Battery Capacity That Will Exceed iPhone 6s' By fourteen Percent – Not A Whole Lot Just It's Still Something

According to i of the nigh revered leaksters on Twitter, OnLeaks has stated that the battery chapters of iPhone vii is going to exceed the iPhone 6s' past 14 percent, which brings us to a thou total of 1,960mAh. Disappointingly, it withal has non crossed the two,000mAh marker, only given the fact that iPhone 7 is expected to be thinner than its predecessor, it'south all the same a commendable achievement. The battery capacity comparisons of iPhone 7, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 accept been listed beneath:

  • iPhone 7: 1,960mAh
  • iPhone 6s: 1,715mAh
  • iPhone 6: 1,810mAh


iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus could too feature LTE modems from two dissimilar companies, and we believe that the phablet sized brother is going to feature a 3,100mAh bombardment, which is huge even by Apple tree standards, along with on-board storage increased to 256GB. We expect that 256GB will be nice little upgrade for those who take capped their 128GB internal retention (for a premium price patently).

At this betoken, we're not too sure if the upcoming smartphone is going to feature a iii.5mm headphone jack or not, but rumors circulating suggest that the packaging of the handset will include an adapter to attach your expensive 3.5mm headphones or earphones, along with support for wirelessly charging the smartphone.

Apple is too said to adopt a new scrap developing engineering science called FoWLP, which stands for fan-out wafer level packaging platform. With this technology, smartphone OEMs can greatly reduce the thickness of their mobile devices since FoWLP does non crave a PCB. Additionally, it is able to increase the efficiency of fries by xxx percent and reduce the thickness of smartphones past at to the lowest degree 0.3mm. Nosotros bet Apple'south ears must be ringing when they were pitched that smartphone thickness could be using by employing this technology in mobile devices.

iPhone 7 (4)

If all of these rumors are truthful, then an iPhone 7 is truly going to be thinner than an iPhone 6s while packing a larger battery. Do you feel that Apple should accept fitted a larger bombardment according to the times we live in, or would information technology exist adequate given the visitor's timely software optimizations?



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