
A Sneak Peek of Dark and Light, a Multiplayer Fantasy Survival/MMO by Snail Games

Three months ago, Snail Games officially re-revealed Dark and Light. Afterward purchasing the rights around eight years ago, the development studio took its own fourth dimension to redesign a game that could incorporate the original concept with modern mechanics.

The consequence is a game that attempts to mix survival, sandbox, MMO and RPG elements on a rather distinctive high fantasy backdrop. Powered by Unreal Engine iv, the game can be played in either first-person and tertiary-person view.

Upon entering the game world you lot'll be prompted to choose between ane of the most mutual fantasy races (humans, dwarves and elves), though there are some differences to the usual depiction of these races in other fantasy games. Player-versus-Player (PvP) combat will be possible outside cities even amidst members of the aforementioned faction, anyway, but if PvP is non your thing PvE servers accept already been confirmed.

At the showtime of the game, players spawn in "shantytowns". As they progress they'll be able to beget a meliorate domicile as well as improving it in various ways (such as increasing its defenses). Somewhen, the virtually accomplished players may be eligible to go Lord of the Metropolis and guide citizens in all matters from housing to merchandise and war. In instance y'all're non a fan of crowded cities, it volition be possible to build houses and settlements almost anywhere in the earth.

We also know that magic will play an important role in gameplay, not merely for combat only also for survival; for example, fire magic tin can go along you warm in a common cold environs and cook food. Enterprising players may try to tame some of the animals that roam around the globe (including unicorns), each one empowered with unique innate abilities.

We've reached out to Snail Games in gild to acquire a bit more virtually Dark and Calorie-free and Associate Producer Jonathon Stebel was kind enough to answer a few questions.

Will there be whatsoever mode to fast travel across the map?

There are a few means players tin travel long distances - as for fast travel, players can construct teleportation portals around the world and travel between them at volition. They can also use flying mounts if they want to take a more scenic route.

Are there different continents to this world and if so, will players need ships to travel the body of water between them? Are y'all planning any form of transport gainsay?

Dark and Lite'due south world is mostly land - you won't need to travel across the sea to get between continents, merely nosotros do take some unique land forms like floating islands that volition take some work to get to. Ocean-based combat isn't something we've put a lot of consideration into, but nosotros do accept some body of water-based / underwater exploration and PvE content.

We know that there will be mounts capable of flying, such as dragons. Do you accept any plans for air combat in Nighttime & Calorie-free?

Air combat is definitely possible in Dark and Lite with offensive flying mounts like griffins and dragons, just it'll probably need some fine-tuning during the Early Access period.

You recently said that survival is at the core of Dark & Light's gameplay. Can you please go into detail of the survival elements in the game - what volition players have to practice in order to stay alive?

By that, we mean that Nighttime and Light plays more similar a survival game than anything else - it'due south important for players to manage their grapheme's hunger and thirst, be properly equipped for biomes with extreme temperatures, build and protect their main base (if they choose to construct i outside of their starting faction metropolis), and more often than not learning the lay of the state. Hunger / thirst and temperature will exist a footling less intrusive than in other modernistic survival games, and we'll probably be adjusting these mechanics during Early Access.

Can you clarify once and for all if Dark & Light will be an MMO in terms of server population size, rather than limited to 50/lx players like multiplayer survival games?

We're non quite set up to commit to a hard number, but server population will be far less than traditional MMOs. Early access is going to aid us stress examination our servers to encounter exactly what we can handle in terms of max role player cap per server. To help clear things up a little bit, Dark and Light should be thought of more equally an open globe multiplayer fantasy game with survival / MMO aspects, rather than an MMO with survival aspects.

Thanks for your time.

We'll continue covering Dark and Lite ahead of its projected Steam Early Access before the year's finish, so stay tuned for more than information on this upcoming survival MMO/RPG by Snail Games.


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